7 min read
What is the Mother Wound
Learn what is the mother wound, how it's relevant for you and how to heal

6 min read
5 Benefits of Inner Child Work for Healing the Mother Wound
“You’ll make a fool of yourself” the voice inside me threatened. Thanks to inner child work I’m familiar with this voice, which means I...

5 min read
What is the most effective therapy for healing the mother wound
The answer to this question is surprising. Learn about the only three elements you need in therapy for healing the mother wound

6 min read
Emotional Inheritance
What happens when you don’t heal the mother wound and follow the recipes of your emotional inheritance

3 min read
Healing the Mother Wound: The First Steps
If it’s the first time you learn about the ‘mother wound’ or are looking into healing the mother wound, you are probably asking yourself:...

5 min read
What Happens When You Heal the Mother Wound
It can be easy to imagine what it would be like if you travelled to a beach in the Bahamas for a week. Other, similar beach holiday...

3 min read
FREE Mother Wound Summit
Discover the FREE Mother Wound Summit where experts discuss healing the deep wounds caused by mother-daughter relationships.

5 min read
No Need to Get Your S**t Together
Loves, have you ever experienced any of these?: You put your idea, talent or dreams on hold because you get the sense that you’re...

4 min read
Misplaced Loyalty
The pain of misplaced loyalty for women with a mother wound brings up strong shame and affects their sense of self. Explore the journey...

5 min read
3 Unbeatable Benefits to one-on-one for Healing the Mother Wound
A quick reminder that the Summer Sale is over in two days so you can still enjoy it. The 2 butterfly package left (10 X 1:1 session for...