The Paradox of Darkness
It is the paradox of spiritual growth and healing that leads you through dark tunnels, a wintery loneliness or a separation from a familiar, warm nest towards a hidden landscape that you would have never discovered otherwise.
The more salient question of our time is not ‘when will it be a good time to start [healing old wounds/crafting my dreams/filling in the blanks...]?’ But:
Who am I becoming when questions about my life are knocking on my door?
You see my love, you have already started. A long time ago.
Your journey undulates
Your questions temper you
from the inside
And the challenges of our time are not making it harder, only making the thresholds clearer.
Forgive everything that has abruptly stopped
Forgive your old self for not making decisions you only have the wisdom to make now
Forgive the world for its betrayal but also for its hunger
It is the destiny of your healing
to ignite as soon as questions
surface from your most valiant part
It is the destiny of forgiveness
to bequeath you a new breathing space

Shelly helps those who know their gifts and strengths lie in old wounds and reoccurring struggles, yet after all their effort they can't fully live that reality.
Learn more about Life Alignment
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash