There's More Than One Way To Wake Up
Each time you fall and realise this too is part of the web of life - you wake up. Each time you choose the curious way rather than the easy (or finely rehearsed) way - you wake up. Each time you tell the story of your past with different words and a fresh voice - you wake up. Each time you let a new hope a way into you heart, let a new vision into your heart, let a stranger into your heart - you wake up. Each time you remember what you knew about life but simply forgot, feed it with new energy, embody it in a new style - you wake up. Each time you allow sadness, anger or disappointment some space - you wake up. Each time you come closer to the envelope of your fears - you wake up. Each time you face old wounds instead of giving them your back - you wake up. Each time you let yourself/your life fall apart - you wake up. Each time you know in your heart, body and mind simultaneously that there’s no one-and-only time to achieve anything (including waking up) - you wake up. Each time you really love yourself just the way you are - you wake up. Each time you listen deeply to the facets of your life’s special song - you wake up. Each time you let go of The One Way to wake up - you wake up.
Eventually, you realise that there’s no one path or one way or one evergreen-everlasting moment of waking up. There is one heart and its awakening to the quality of opening up.

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