The NOW Is Rich
You don't need to chase your future plans to find richness and nourishment THE NOW IS RICH Everything you wish for, every dream you dream of, every heart bit you pray for is already here and now
Chasing some ideal of happiness only drives you further away from happiness. You keep on running and running and running to find out nothing but structured images borrowed from a fractured and restless mind Make space for the loneliness, the shame, the loss of control. Stand still to meet your rage on life for piling up on you so many challenges at once. There's a space here that gives you a place to - finally rest. It is with rest that everything comes alive. A whole new world breaks open, the earth opens its mouth swallows all the painted smile and faint cries kept hidden from the eyes of "positivity" watch dogs. You're real, and for the first time discovers what real happiness is, what freedom lies beyond self-judgment, what excitement is waiting for you, beyond the pressure to perform. And all this was always here, right inside the feeling heart that knows that darkness can only be dispelled by diving to its own core. Ancient wounds always echo, they pray you stop to simply listen. They have a sacred message to give The NOW is so so rich

Photo by Sarah Mak on Unsplash