5 weeks journey
to your unfettered heart
In Zurich: 5 Thursdays 18:00 - 19:30, Nov 11-Dec 9, 2021
Online: 5 Wednesdays 18.00 - 19:30 CET ,Nov 10 - Dec 8, 2021
Do you find it easy to give your love and attention
to others but not so much to yourself?
Would you like to know how to stop listening to your inner critic
that burdens you, makes you feel small
and stops you from stepping up?
Do you wish you were able to honour your needs and
feel easy about asking for what you need?
Such beautiful heart wishes.
It can be really painful when you don't know
how to give this kind of attention to yourself.
You can probably also name all the reasons
why it’s difficult to bring self love.
And there might be a few that feel like very reasonable reasons too.
If you feel like a failure when you don’t keep faith
with your promises to yourself,
you're hard on yourself when you don’t
meet the goals you set out for yourself,
you feel obligated to or driven by ideas of how you could improve and
be a better version of yourself,
you’ve probably tried a few things
to release yourself from the pain of feeling not enough.
"Because of our wisdom, we will travel
Far for love."
~ Hafiz

Sometimes we try practicing self-love by taking a good bubble bath,
travelling to an inspiring holiday destination,
buying ourselves that fancy shirt we’ve avoided spending money on
and taking some self development courses.
But while after many positive steps
you are more mindful of why you
don't bring self-love to yourself,
still all those interesting tools you have acquired
have failed to fully unlock your heart.
The bubbles in the bath have faded,
the pictures from the trip sit forgotten in your iPhone
and the shirt has lost its charm.
You discover that you're left with the same old feelings about yourself.
The thing is...
Your heart cannot stay open if it’s still
burdened by unresolved mind-loops
Your love doesn't depend on anything you do
Imagine this for a moment...
You know how to meet difficult feelings and
transform them in a way that leaves you light and spacious
You are able to take time to nourish yourself and
pay attention to your needs without feeling guilty
Even in uncertain times you don't lose yourself in worry and anxiety
Your life feels meaningful and full of delight regardless of your circumstances
Finally you are able to move beyond shame into feeling
happy with yourself
"Shelly's loving and playful approach accompanied and encouraged me on my big journey of meeting my authentic self and becoming friends with my insecurities.
I learned to embrace myself just as I am and look at myself and the world around with compassion, love and joy through the prism of the heart.
My relationships flourished naturally as my ability to see and speak up my own truth grew stronger and stronger. I became capable of discussing issues with my boss that I was never able to speak up before. My colleagues seek more and more my opinion also on topics outside of my competence area, as they are naturally drawn to the creative energy emanating from me.
It is so liberating and empowering to be in this energy flow! "
Valory T. Switzerland

I help people get through difficult feelings and reoccurring struggles by discovering an inner fountain of love and strength.
I used to be so harsh with myself. Growing up with a dysfunctional mother I had to grow fast and act decisively, there was no room for weakness, softness and questioning things. I wasn’t rigid only with myself.
Through years of psychology studies, therapy, meditation and many other spiritual and self development trainings I’ve found that the extent to which I'm able to offer love to myself is the extent to which I’ll be able to grow everything else in my life.
Over 10 years of offering coaching, teaching and healing to hundreds of people in private and retreat settings world-wide, I’ve witnessed how much we all crave for that self-love to be simply available and easily accessible.
I believe that self-love is a natural capacity that's rooted down deep in our own heart and is important as oxygen.
I care for a world where people are autonomous in their feelings and creative thought, feel loved and are able to express love freely.
Seeing people's faces shine when self-love is part of who they are calls me to share the same practices I've been using for years
"In a society that says
'put yourself last'
is almost revolutionary"
~Brené Brown
Discovering self-love
5 weeks journey to
your unfettered heart
In Zurich: 5 Thursdays 18:00-19:30, Nov 11-Dec 9, 2021
Online: 5 Wednesdays 18:00-19:30CET, Nov 10-Dec 8, 2021

This is an online programme that brings together mindfulness practices, contemporary wisdom and real-time pragmatic tools all in one beautiful and powerful blend.
The programme includes:
Weekly group calls with guided meditation and coaching
5 videos for each week's class
5 self-love meditations for each week's class
**All videos and recordings downloadable for you to keep. Before each class you'll receive the videos and meditation recording in your inbox
Unlimited email support
A beautifully designed downloadable workbook with extra tips for including self-love in your daily life and inspirations for writing
Overcome the toxic messages of your inner critic
Meet difficult feelings with calmness and resilience
Engage with your life with a sense of purpose and satisfaction while healing shame and guilt
Stay on course with commitments with great joy
Bring your full self to relationships while you set the right boundaries
Make the life changes you desire without fear of other people’s opinions
Stop feeling like a failure when your efforts don't pan out the way you imagined
Gain the confidence to nourish and express your needs
Healing old wounds
Feeling loved, supported and nurtured in the right places
Being a part of a community of people who care for the same heart wishes
week 1
making self-love your home
The heart's elements of Heart's wisdom
Self worth and making decisions
The number one key for self-trust
Wise and compassionate connection to your body
Week 2
foundations of mindfulness
The four principles of mindfulness
The magical link between mindfulness and self-love
The crucial key to true self-acceptance
Week 3
silencing the voice of criticism
Three steps for overcoming negative self-talk
Bridging differences in views
The one thing that can unhook you from comparative thinking
Week 4
the couragEous heart
The four divine qualities of the heart
How to follow through with commitments
Healing shame
Growing a fearless heart
Week 5
living a meaningful life
The mostly unspoken of principles for happiness
How to handle the expectations of others
What makes the difference in honouring your needs
Creating momentum for a life of self-love
When bringing heart and money in the same sentence we’ll be stepping on some toes for sure. Most of us have some kind of a heart-wound around money.
For some, a set price is a relief because you don’t have to ask monetary questions of the heart. For others, it is a dead end because they simply can’t afford the asked for price.
Thinking about money brings up a lot of shame and guilt, and I’m inviting you to come into a programme which is focussed on healing the heart from an empowered place.
The gift of paying from the heart is that it is based on trust.
You set the price that feels right for you when you consider both the circumstances of your life and the effort, energy and knowledge that has gone into this programme.
It is a real investment in yourself.
You might not be able to offer as much as you would like, and that’s ok. You might be in a position to offer more, and that is ok too.
Pay from the heart is how we allow the heart to heal and support one another freely and joyfully.
First, decide if you're going to join us. Feel the possibilities of what this kind of support might mean for your heart and your life.
Then, use the join in button below.
Within a couple of days from your payment you'll receive an email confirming your registration and further details on how to prepare for the course and everything you need to know (I can feel your excitement!).
If you have questions before signing in please have a look at Some FAQs
Do I need to know how to meditate?
If you already know how to meditate that's great. But you really don't have to know how to before the program.
I will guide you through everything you need to know so you can fully enjoy the benefits of Discovering Self-Love.
I've experienced trauma, can I still participate?
As an experienced teacher and coach I have been treating people who've experienced trauma for many years.
However, if you've experienced a recent trauma or an old one that has never been treated or you just have doubts about this matter - please contact me so we can decide together what would be best for you.
Do I need an internet connection?
Yes. All pre-recorded and written materials will be sent to you via email.
Live weekly calls held on Zoom for the online course. You'll receive instructions on how to connect to the live call.
What if I can't attend the live call?
We will miss you of course, yet all calls will be recorded. A recording will be sent to you shortly after the call.
I still have another question you didn't cover
Well, I'd love to hear from you. Please click here to write directly to me.
Sign up for Discovering Self-Love