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The Subtle Truth of Harmony in Relationships & Life

&TWO GIFTS: 50% discount on my meditation album & a special rate for a single session for the next 48 hours…

The sun was peeking from behind the dark curtain that hid me from the sea‘s waves splashing in my ears. I rose from beneath the warmth of my sleeping bag and pulled at something that was tugging on my inner thigh.

I was still sleepy enough not to panic as the realisation dawned that a crab, lured by the warmth of my body, had crawled into my sleeping bag with me. I just grabbed it and rushed to dip myself in the fresh salty water.

Later on, while the rest of the humans who colonised at night the golden, sandy beach of Dor were gathered around their fires, I took a large inflatable tube, sat myself inside it and puddled with my hands towards a jagged rock 200 meters from the shore.

The game is that you settle with your tube on the rock and wait for the right wave to wash over you and, in the harmony of wave and momentum, carry you back out to sea, where you just puddle back to shore.

Only that I—too stubborn to receive the help offered me by those who'd done it before, always feeling I need to do everything by myself, learn everything by myself, take care of myself—got myself stuck between waves and rock, my back slowly tearing on the spiky edges of an equally uncompromising pile of sticky stone.

Nature is the perfect teacher for the stubborn to learn what true harmony is

In nature, each element knows when to move and when to stop, when to give and when to receive. Why do we think we’re so different?! We somehow have the impression that in order to create harmony, in life and in relationships, some sacrifice needs to be made.

Women tell me that they find themselves not saying what they want to say because they don’t want to disrupt the harmony of their relationship;

They don’t show the kind of affection they wish for, intimidated by what people will think;

They refrain from daring with their ideas and ambitions lest they overshadow their partner;

They hold back on who they are, fearing it’ll be too much.

The mother wound injures the ecology of the heart

Harmony is not a status quo. It’s not a compromise, either. It’s definitely not a sacrifice and a starving of the integrity of your heart.

Each time the ecology of our heart is broken, the cycles of true harmony in our lives and relationships are broken too.

Each time we give when we yearn to receive, we stay silent when we need to express, we say yes when we crave to say no, we fit in when we need to stand out, we teach the heart the fake way of harmony.

Just like in my scout’s game of catching the right wave to be lifted back into the current of the sea, true harmony is hospitable to a certain kind of tension that doesn’t pose a threat to the integrity of the heart.

The subtle truth of harmony is that it needs our heart to stay open. To stay attentive. To be vibrant to the tides and ebbs of our feelings and needs.

Women who needed to become young mothers to their own mothers, women who need to mother their partners, women who feel their mother is their responsibility, women who did not have a mother, women whose mother was an absent presence, women whose mother was silent when they needed her to speak up, women who felt their mother’s hurt and never dared to speak about it, women who inherited their mother’s limiting belief system, women whose mother was neglected and hurt, are all women who carry the mother wound.

They have learned to be strong, to do it alone, to take care of everyone besides themselves, to cultivate the ecology of the other’s hearts.

On this mother’s day I invite you to heal your mother wound.

Whether you’ve had a difficult relationship with your own mother, whether you’ve inherited the wounds of your female ancestors, whether you have a wounded relationship with the Big Mother where you feel alone and abandoned by the forces of life, I invite to you to gently turn towards the true harmony that will never betray you, to the integrity of your heart.

This is the soul physics of harmony:

If you need to rest, let it be rest.

If you need to scream, let it be a scream.

If you need to love, let it be love.

If you need to cry, let it be a river.

If you need to breathe, let it be life.


I want to celebrate Mother’s Day with you perhaps in a different way and offer you two gifts:

You’re invited to schedule a single session with me to receive guidance and healing for your mother wound.

As you may know, I don’t offer single sessions, so you have a golden opportunity to catch the right wave that can carry you into the beauty of the shimmering sea of your life.

If you feel the mother wound is a tender topic and you’ve been hanging onto the rock waiting for the right wave to carry you, this might be the perfect offer for you!

A single session at a discounted rate is 100CHF (instead of 270CHF).

You can get my meditation album with a 50% discount.

The R.A.D album to become Radiant Aligned and Daring is a six-track meditation album crafted with a lot of love. Each meditation has been recorded while in meditation to transmit the healing, grounding vibes directly to you.

Click on the photo and use the code HEALINGMOTHERING


inner power

Shelly’s helping women on a healing journey of the mother wound who are struggling with the ways it affected their sense of self, relationships or career success and want to reach deeper levels of healing and step into their wholeness

Learn more about Life Alignment


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